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Causes of hormone imbalance

Hormonal imbalances can have various underlying causes, and it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause of any hormonal imbalance and to develop a tailored treatment plan.

Causes of Hormone Imbalance: Infographics
Senior Woman Dancing


Hormonal changes are a natural part of the aging process. For example, menopause in women and andropause in men can lead to changes in hormone levels.

Dancing Guy


Chronic stress can affect the body's production of stress hormones like cortisol, which can cause imbalances in other hormones.

Hands Clasped in Yoga Posture

Diet, lifestyle, & environmental factors

Poor diet, lack of exercise, and unhealthy habits like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption can lead to hormonal imbalances.
Exposure to toxins in the environment, such as pesticides, can disrupt hormone levels.

Healthy at any age

medical conditions

Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), diabetes, and pituitary gland disorders can affect hormone levels.

Causes of Hormone Imbalance: Services

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